Highland Montessori School Ground Rules

At Highland Montessori, we adhere to these Ground Rules

  1. IMG_3127Each child is greeted every day and helped to enter the environment.
  2. Each child learns to put his/her materials away.
  3. No child may disturb another child’s work.
  4. A child must obtain the permission of another to work with him/her. The right of each child to work alone is to be respected.
  5. No child may hurt another child, emotionally or physically. In the event that this occurs, children are taught to problem-solve for themselves.
  6. To prevent accidents, running is not allowed in classrooms and hallways.
  7. Since we believe that children learn best by doing things for themselves, teachers do not do anything for a child that he/she has learned and is trying to do.
  8. Children are free to move around and speak, unless it is meeting time (“circle”) which is to be held with a specific purpose and only for a length of time that is developmentally appropriate.
  9. Because children at times learn best through either peer-observation, or through teaching their peers, we are a multi-age classroom. (More on this.)

Highland Montessori 2015