This spring when we began studying desserts a conversation was started among kids and adults. What we thought might be a few weeks’ study of food and nutrition was lengthened by the children’s enthusiasm and curiosity about cuisines and cooking and the stories that accompany our food choices.
At first, we brought in pies and cookies for a Friday taste-test, uncovering vocabulary such as “tart,” “sour,” “grainy,” “gooey” and “crumbly.” Soon enough, several parents volunteered to help, saying “can I bring such-and-such dessert that we like to make?” And so it is that the HMS parents took over and each week we’ve had a wonderful array of multi-national desserts at our tables.
It started with cannoli and banana bread mixed on our art table. Then a Norwegian kransekake was constructed right on our lunch table. We’ve had crepes from France, brigadeiros from Brazil and some thatch dua from Vietnam. Such variety and all very tasty!