This custom-made shelf includes pencils, paper, trays and the pink frames and the blue insets.

The beauty of the metal insets

In a Montessori classroom, many materials on the shelves come and go, but one of the staple materials in our classroom is the Metal Insets. Earlier this month, some of our five & six year old students started making books about the solar system using the Metal Insets. They used the circle inset for the planets and free hand for meteors. […]

Building, building, building

Children love to construct, and to de-construct. This is part of the imaginary play in which every child engages. In a Montessori classroom, the building materials are specially-designed to promote future success in math and reading. The blocks and cylinders are built at proportional increments. A child working with these materials will intrinsically become acquainted with […]

Our butterflies

Tuesday, Feb 16: We released the butterflies to nature this morning, and all five flew away! Saturday, Feb 13: While at school this afternoon, Rick noted the last butterfly has emerged! It’s the smallest of the five. Wednesday, Feb 10: This morning we arrived to the third butterfly and the fourth, the smallest one yet, secretly and […]