Monday might be his holiday, but today MLK would have turned 92. In honor of this event, and so that our young students might be aware of why Monday is a holiday, this morning we read a book about him, Martin’s Big Words (by Rappaport and Collier). (Note: for our ages, the story is abridged, especially the ending…)
First, we talked about how MLK was a leader. What’s a leader? Someone who guides us. They “give us good ideas,” said a 4-year-old. Others added that leaders are “nice and kind.”
Yes, King was a leader who wanted people to be kind to each other, so that all little boys and little girls could hold hands together. He wanted people to look after each other, just like we do at school.

Martin’s Big Words talks about how he had so much to say from such a young age. And, despite the fact that he died in 1968, we know him “in our hearts,” said a 5-year-old this morning, before we read the passage that said “his big words are alive in us today.” Indeed, we remember your words, Martin.
After a few moments to listen and sway to Pete Seeger singing “We Shall Overcome,” we sang “Happy Birthday, Martin.” Isn’t it always a good day when you get to sing Happy Birthday?