2-year-old Math

Math in the preschool classroom

Recently one of our students, just shy of his fifth birthday, pointed to the rack of beaded chains on our wall and asked “What can I do with these?” “You can form them into squares,” the teacher replied, “to help you count them. That’s called multiplication.” “Is that like when you multiply?” he asked. (Likely […]


Handwashing Experiment

Parents and teachers often remind children to “wash your hands.” It is not a stretch to imagine the child who wonders “Why do I wash my hands? They look the same before and after!”  Last month, one child’s parent, a high school Biology teacher, offered to help our classroom do an experiment that would show the […]


Student Wall Calendar

Since the first of the month, our older kids have been working collaboratively to make a wall calendar. Along with circle-time discussions, especially birthday celebrations, calendars are essential to children learning about the basic concepts of present and past, the beginnings of our history curriculum. Calendars also teach us about the days of the week and […]

Practical Life

Montessori Practical Life

We all know that toddlers olds are active. They learn about the world through movement. Picking up objects, turning them around in the hand, sliding them along the floor. One facet of Montessori curriculum that enables, say, a two-year-old to succeed is the Practical Life area. Practical Life activities, such as pouring, wiping, setting a table, […]

helping hands

Creating tomorrow’s leaders

“The most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six.”  –Maria Montessori We’re back from Spring Break, and the students are cheerfully milling about the classroom this week. We can’t help but notice how much the students are happy to […]

penguin nesting dolls

What is in Antarctica? Penguins, penguins, penguins!

As a part of our Geography studies, we rotate themed works based on continents into all of our academic areas. In the fall, we studied Europe, and in the spring we will learn about South America. This Winter we are learning about Antarctica. However, this unit is admittedly a bit less diverse than the others. Let’s […]