Over the years, we have been spending more and more time outside on our playground. It’s little secret that Rick and Khuloud love the outdoors and all things natural. (After all, we have a majority of families to join on bi-annual camping trips!)
Enter COVID-19. So many things have changed for so many people. For us, it has facilitated our move to spending even more time outside on the playground.
We’ve always known that being indoors facilitates the spread of germs–especially in winter months. In March, when we began rethinking what pre-school looks like during a pandemic, our playground became a plan of action. We expanded our shaded areas on the playground, installed fans and brought classroom shelves outside.
But this is not just about the spread of germs. We have long observed that children are happy outdoors. (Happier, perhaps?) Yes, even in the August heat in Central Texas. On its own, our playground has ample opportunity for them to grow. We’ve seen time and again how after an hour or two of running around and playing, their little bodies so happily sit down to work with some of our academic materials. Their bodies might be tired, but their minds are then extra focused and ready to absorb new information. And isn’t that what early childhood is all about?